Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Other Blog

Whoa! So today I was thinking about that "other blog" I started, you may know it, Grace upon Grace.  I do such a great job of keeping up with "Days Like This"- that why not create another blog that can be updated every....oh.....6 months....or two years.  Anyway, I read Agents of Sanctification-post 2 of 3- and it was good to my soul.  I mean is that okay? Can you be spiritually uplifted by your own writing? Maybe that's pretentious, but whatever. It was nourishing and made me question if it was me who really wrote it. But that's neither here nor there...

We have been in a season where daddy has been away and I have been bearing the weight of discipline and child rearing to myself.  It's rough. Single mommas I praise you. God does a tremendous work in your heart for you to have the mental energy to make it through the day.
I never wake up before the kiddos. NEVER. I have woken up to "mommy, mommy" for the past 5 months or so--which is sweet music when you've had enough sleep--not so much when you haven't. Can you please sleep past 630 am....pllleeeaase? This momma needs some rest.  That whole homeschooling thing I have done with the boys for a couple of years now-well, its been on the back burner and occasionally I can muster up the energy to get something accomplished that is educational. My big boy can read but come on kid. We have been back sliding in the potty training department with our almost three year old. I just don't have the patience for a pee pee pants three year old who knows how to get to the bathroom. God, give me grace. My boys have been working this whole daddy is gone thing and But don't mention anything about said 'buttons' to them, as it will lead to a host of questions that you cannot tolerate at the time. "What buttons mommy?" "WHAT BUTTONS MOMMY?" "Where are the buttons?"
But I digress. My life is a gaggle without my husband. I am a better woman and mother when the BIG DAWG is around and so, we are ALL looking forward to April 4th when C graduates from OCS. Team West back together again.  Huzzah!

Anyway, back to my original point. Reading the post mentioned above really did my soul good.  I am my wayward children.  I am spiritual bankrupt without Jesus who died in my place.  I am also increasingly thankful that I do not have to be the perfect mother to my children (with C around or in his absence) to be accepted before the Father. I don't have to do five hundred crafts a week, make sure my kids never touch an ounce of gluten, make sure I keep it together at all times, or create masterful works of snack art for my kids (ain't happening). Because I am loved and accepted by my Creator and Sustainer, I can be a better mother.....ahem....Amen!:)

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